Saturday, October 24, 2009


Andrew and Ryan are keeping us busy while Mom, Dad and Mabel are
visiting Daniel, Anne and Beckett in Connecticut.
We went to the Zoo today.
and to the Ward Halloween Party, where Gramps
joined the parade with Buzz and one of the TMNT's.
Buzz is happy to see his Grammy come from behind
the fishing booth.
The wildlife experience proved to be no more wild
than what we have at home.
The boys seemed to be naturals at
climbing the giant spider web.........
Though Andrew said "I don't like it."
Of course the first thing we did was to build a huge fort on the
dining room table and added a few houses and tunnels for
good measure.
Ryan wanted to take a picture of me and I could not
get Andrew out of the fort for a photo op.


Erin said...

You made us look bad Dixie, they didn't want to come home after that fun week!

Kathy said...

Such cute boys. Looks like you all had lots of fun. My grandsons would love that fort. It was awesome.